November 10, 2012

Gifts for a Grieving Christmas

November is upon us and inevitably we are experiencing the colder weather and the first signs of the Holiday Season all around us. Decorations and music are appearing in retail stores. Magazines are sharing their best holiday recipes and menus. And the calendar is filling up with seasonal party invitations. It is such a “Merry” time.

But it isn’t necessarily that way for everyone. If you, or someone you know has recently lost a loved one, you may not immediately connect with the spirit of the season. The holidays can be very difficult if you are grieving. But there are things you can do.  Please go to our Resources section and take a minute to read “When the Holidays Hurt: 20 Gifts for a Grieving Christmas”  by Dr. Bill Webster. I hope it will give you some good ideas on how to handle this special time of year.”

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