November 26, 2008
Often we only see the value in a service after we have been through the experiences of providing that service ourselves. Someone recently said as much to me regarding my job as a Seniors Move Organizer. Although she knew what I did she had never fully appreciated what it entailed. That is, until she was faced with her mother’s impending move, and cleaning out her mother’s home.
Most of us go through life assuming we’ll be able to handle any given situation when it arises. And, for the most part, we do.
Then life throws you a curve ball. Something out of left field you weren’t expecting. And although you think you can deal with it – you can “fit it in” – ask yourself “at what expense?” Something has to give.
Caring for an aging parent is one of life’s curve balls. Having to arrange a move for that same parent, or handling their estate, is another one. We already have so many balls we are juggling that one more will simply cause all the balls to fall.
You either handle it yourself or find someone who can do so on your behalf.
Recognize the reality of the task ahead of you. Recognize its scope. Recognize how much time it will take you and how much spare time you have. Recognize how much experience you have with the tasks that have to be done. Then decide how best to deal with it. You may end up acknowledging that hiring a Seniors Move Organizer will save you time, energy and money. It could be the best thing you can do for yourself – and your loved ones.

Give a Gift of Time
Our Gift Certificate is the perfect gift for someone who has everything.
Purchase the services of a Trusted Transitions Seniors Move Organizer to help a loved get organized. Follow the link for all the details.
November 12, 2008
There are so many websites catering to seniors, it’s hard to know where to begin. Here’s a short list of sites we read and use, some for general interest, and some when when we’re helping our clients with their moves. One of the 11 websites owned by Moses Znaimer and his Zoomer Media. Best thing about this site is the Canadian focus, and timely advice on current topics. Sponsored by YellowPages and Canadian Living, this site has interesting articles for caregivers. Perhaps the most popular website for buying and selling. World famous and used by people of all ages for all kinds of items and services. If you have something to sell, you might find a similar item here that will help you decide on price. Remember this shows a suggested price, it does not mean your item can be sold at that price, or any price. Select your city to find what’s for sale in your area.
Do you have any favourite sites? Please comment on this article, and include your favourites. The power in the internet is sharing knowledge – we’ll be pleased to pass your finds on to others.
September 3, 2008
When I went to school the focus was all on the 3 R’s … Reading, w(R)iting, and a(R)ithmetic. Today most of my work is with Seniors, and September is a great time to review these important 3 R’s for having a successful relationship with a senior.
Responsiveness. Although most 75+ year olds don’t carry cell phones, they are well aware that the younger generation does. Their expectation is that when they try to reach you, a person will answer the phone, or at the very least someone will return their call quickly.
Reliability. If you say you are going to do something, then do it. My parents taught me all about making and keeping commitments, and I think that their belief in that core value was a hallmark of that generation.
Respect. Today’s seniors lived through the depression, fought for our future in World War II, and coped and thrived in a world that changed at the speed of lightning through the last half of the 20th century. And, they’ve lived through their own family changes. They deserve our respect.
Whether you are caring for seniors, moving seniors or interacting with them in other ways, practice these 3 R’s and you will definitely have stronger relationships with them.
August 13, 2008
I expect that one day I will be living in a Retirement Residence. I lived with my husband for many years, and for the last 10 years I’ve lived alone. But I can see that living on my own won’t work forever. Part of my comfort with this concept is that I still have fond memories of my university residence days. No, the food wasn’t the finest cuisine, and I had to modify some of my “quirks” to fit in, but all in all, the downsides were limited.
On the other hand, I loved it. Amongst all the people in the residence, I found a few soul mates. I always had someone to eat dinner with, to go to for advice, to watch TV with. There were bridge games to join, coffee cliques to sit in on, and group outings to participate in. There was never a shortage of conversation. And, I didn’t have to prepare a meal or wash the dishes.
For many who never had a community living experience, the negatives seem to outweigh the positives. I often hear that the tipping point is fear of “loss of independence.” But in my mind, I’ll be more independent, free of some unpleasant responsibilities, and free of loneliness. In their place I’ll have ongoing social interactions, that I really love.
If you or your parents are hesitating about a move to community living, try a change of perspective. It’s not moving to an institution, or a hospital. It’s like the old university dorm where there was a party in someone’s room every night. Or better still, it’s a ride on a permanent cruise ship, with prepared meals, daily housekeeping, activities galore, and a lot of other “vacationers” who are your age.
Bon Voyage!
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